Recognizing the importance and the mutual benefit to be derived from bilateral cooperation on Technological Development and Innovation, the National Technical University of Athens (NTUA) and Green, have mutually decided to:
- facilitate the exchange of information and knowledge;
- facilitate and encourage educational activities and the participation of researchers/employees from both parties to mutually agreed research projects;
- promote bilateral research collaboration in all the fields of science and technology which are related directly or indirectly to Port Reception Facilities, Maritime, Waste Management, Environmental Protection, Decontamination, Emergency Response, Renewable Energy, Alternative Fuel Production and other areas that V Group of Companies (V GROUP) is active or aims to become active in.
More specifically, the Parties have reached the following mutual understandings:
- Student Internship Program, as the creation of a framework for student practice in V GROUP facilities and offices.
- Absorption Program for Honors, as the creation of a framework for the absorption by V GROUP Human Resources department of graduates who have excelled in their department and whose studies are related to the scope of one of V GROUP companies.
- Financial support program, as V GROUP will offer of a certain number of gift vouchers from a computer and stationery chain, which the Rector’s Office will make available to students who prove to be in need of financial support.
- Schedule of visits to the Facilities, as the creation of scheduled visits and guided tours to the facilities of V GROUP in Aspropyrgos, Drapetsona and Ritsona as well as to the offices of V GROUP in Piraeus in order for students to gain practical knowledge and experience related to the subject of their studies.
- Subsidy program for Start Ups, as the creation of a process for listening, examining and rewarding innovative proposals and ideas from students and subsidizing them from V GROUP with an initial working capital or even absorbing them into V GROUP activities.
- A Day at the Office program, as the quarterly visit and the guided tour at V GROUP offices as well as the practical participation in daily business life.
- Career guidance program, as scheduling of quarterly visits by representatives of V GROUP companies in order – in collaboration with the career guidance department – to lecture students on hot issues of career choices.
- Sustainable Development training program, as scheduling quarterly visits by representatives of our V GROUP companies in order to give lectures to students about the importance of Sustainable Development and the Principles of the Circular Economy and their application in practice.
- Hazardous and non-hazardous waste removal program, as creating a plan for the safe removal and treatment of hazardous and non-hazardous waste from V GROUP, generated by the activity of NTUA laboratories.
- Participation of NTUA in the activities of the V GROUP, as the creation of a cooperation framework for the participation of the scientific staff in the project groups, but also highlighting fields in which NTUA will be able to have an active participation.