Code of Conduct.
The Present Code of Conduct of GREEK ENVIRONMENTAL & ENERGY NETWORK SINGLE MEMBER S.A (Green S.A) applies to all employees of the company. Compliance with its terms is mandatory and applies to all employees regardless of position in the Company.
Basic Principles
Basic Principles of Green S.A. are:
- Operation with integrity, impartiality, reliability and transparency in all forms of business action
- Achieving results that meet the expectations of the involved concerned
- The fixation of a stable, healthy and safe working environment
- Equal treatment and respect for human rights
- Respect for existing national and international legislation and any other commitment that the company has accepted
- The protection of the natural environment and sustainable development
Business ethics
Green S.A. is committed to condemning and avoiding practices and instruments that distort fair competition and hinder economic and social development.
Consistent with the above:
- Acts in accordance with the applicable competition rules and does not exploit its position on the market in any way
- Does not offer or accept unfair payments, sponsorships, gifts, donations intended for actions contrary to the specified tasks.
- It does not enter into agreements with competitors for market sharing and price fixing.
- Does not allow money laundering
Management-employee relations
The working conditions guaranteed to staff are in full compliance with the requirements of the relevant national legislation. The Company:
- Does not use forced, compulsory work or correctional work and does not allow practices that restrict the free movement of its employees
- Does not employ personnel under 18 years of age in techniques, hazardous and heavy work and under 15 years in administrative work. In the case of employment of young employees subject to compulsory schooling, they will be employed outside school hours, and the total maximum time for school, transport and work must not exceed 10 hours. The employment of young employees must not exceed 8 hours per day and shall not include night work.
- It does not bind deposits or personal early documents of employees, while on the contrary it takes care of the legalization of foreign employees
- Provides equal opportunities for employees and does not discriminate during recruitment, compensation, access to training, promotions, retirements or retirements on the basis of race, national or local origin, religion, disability, gender, sexual orientation, participation in trade unions, political ideology or age
- No harassment of any kind is permitted.
- Complies with the legislation on working hours, overtime and ensures that employees do not work more than 40 hours a week
- It takes care of new, expectant and nursing mothers employed by the company
- The remuneration of employees meets at least the national minimum levels. The company shall ensure that such employees are not subject to discrimination, harassment, intimidation, pay reduction or other retaliation.
Accordingly, employees are expected to:
- Act with integrity, honesty and in accordance with applicable laws and regulations
- They take responsibility for their actions and strive for the best consistent outcome
- They apply correctional actions in the event of an error
- Avoid conflicts of their personal interest with that of the Company as well as activities that could lead to illegal practices
- To preserve the confidential information of the Company
- To be properly taken care of in their work and to keep the working hours
- To responsibly manage the Assets of the Company and protect them from loss, damage, theft, incorrect or unauthorized use
- To perform willingly and without objection the work assigned to them
- To respect and cooperate with their superiors
- Apply Health and Safety Rules to their work activities, participate in safety and hygiene training programs organized by the company To contribute to the prevention of accidents and to report any situation that poses risks to the health and safety of employees, visitors and machinery
- To use the provided Personal Protection Instruments
Management-subcontractor/supplier relations
The Company undertakes work with subcontractors and suppliers that share its views on policy, principles and objectives and ensure that all its partners are aware and comply with the requirements arising from the systems it implements, with the help of the evaluation process. The Company conducts inspections on quality, hygiene, safety, environment and social responsibility issues to suppliers /subcontractors
In case of employment of home employees, the company ensures that they enjoy levels of protection similar to that received by directly employed personnel according to the requirements of the standard.
Commence working for new staff
Any new employee (either completely young or seasonal) should be prepared to perform their duties at the Company. Specifically, the following steps are followed:
- The employee to be in possession of all the required permits required by law
- Have all the qualifications
- Before taking up a job you will need to work with a Job Doctor
- He/she must receive all the means of personal protection which he/she is obliged to use to protect himself/herself.
Employee training
It is a basic principle of the Company that all employees before taking up work in any position are trained and have sufficient knowledge to perform the work assigned to them. The training of each employee is a prerequisite for taking up a job. The training can be done by the head of the department or by the older colleagues who should have similar experience or finally, if necessary, there is the possibility to use an external instructor. The duration of the training depends on the type and nature as well as the risk of the job. However, it must always meet all the needs of the employee for full knowledge of the work in question.
- Before taking a job on his own, the employee will have to work with an older colleague for a certain period of time not only to gain experience at work but also to form an opinion on the spaces as well as the prevailing conditions.
- Finally, the Head of the Department is the only one responsible for deciding whether the employee is ready and able to take responsibility for himself and the operation of a particular job
For the training of existing staff, the Training Programme is drawn up on an annual basis after the staff training needs have been recognized by the Managers. Experienced Company executives or external partners are used to carry out the planned trainings
Working Hours
Everyone works 8 hours a day and takes two days off a week except those who are in shifts and work according to the work schedule filed with the Labor Inspectorate every week. All employees must be in their jobs at the time provided by the Company. The Company applies a system of attendance and overtime recorders, which are compensated in accordance with the provisions of the applicable legislation. The Company is committed to its employees for:
- Compliance with the law and in any case ensure that employees do not work more than 48 hours a week, having less than one day off every seven days
- Overtime payment, but which will not exceed 12 hours per week on a frequent basis
- Overwork may be compulsory if provided in the collective agreement
At the same time:
- No overtime work will be performed without the approval of the Head of the Department
- Each overtime will be accompanied by the corresponding form which will describe the purpose of the overtime in question and will be signed by the Factory Manager
- Those who work overtime during the night or holiday shall be remunerated with the appropriate surcharges
Staff fees
The Company is committed to its employees for:
- Payment of wages based on laws, collective bargaining and market data that achieve the satisfaction of the basic needs of employees and their families. The Company believes in work-life balance
- Avoiding disciplinary sanctions on wages
The monthly earnings of employees are deposited in the payroll accounts created by the Company in a bank with which it cooperates at the beginning of each month. In case any of the above dates coincides with a holiday then the payroll takes place on the exact previous working day. Under no circumstances is the payment of employees’ wages made by coupons, bonds or debit notes.
Health and safety
The Company’s objective is to promote and ensure health and safety at work as well as to prevent and avoid any potential risk. Considering its human resources as a primary factor in its evolutionary course and business success, the Company is committed to the following:
- Providing a safe and healthy working environment
- Providing the required Personal Protection Instruments and checking their proper use
- Take measures to prevent accidents, minimize the likelihood of health and safety-related risks at work and avoid injuries Carrying out frequent health and safety trainings
- Providing first aid in the event of an accident until receiving the required occupational medical assistance
- Compliance with applicable national and European legislation and other regulatory requirements
All employees must comply with the Company’s safety measures, work in a manner that does not compromise their physical integrity or that of their colleagues, and convey to their superiors all their health and safety concerns
Disciplinary Measures
In the event that an employee of the Company does not follow the rules of discipline laid down by its operating procedures, the head of the department or the director above him makes an oral recommendation informing him that if he continues to be undisciplined, reference will be made to the administration. In the event of a repetition of the same or similar conduct, the person responsible shall inform the management which in turn makes a recommendation to the employee. If the conduct continues, however, a written recommendation is made to the employee, who is informed that if he does not comply, he will leave the Company. Dismissal is the last step taken by the Management of the Company and only in cases where indiscipline is not justified (e.g. for reasons of avoiding an accident). Under no circumstances are the Company’s rules and procedures imposed in any way other than dialogue, oral and written recommendations and information.
In the event that the employee of the company considers that one of the rules of discipline violates his rights or considers that he accepts unjustified recommendations, he shall have the right to declare it in writing or orally, branded or anonymously indicative and not restrictively to his manager, to the management representative, to the employee representative or to the Person responsible for the Social Responsibility System.
The steps of the procedure are not followed, and the dismissal of the employee is done immediately after the established violation in the cases that prove that:
- The employee intentionally violates the law
- The employee intentionally poses a serious risk to the hygiene and safety of other employees, customers, associates or members of the local community with or without consequences
Environmental Management
Protecting the environment, improving the environmental performance of its activities and promoting environmental awareness and responsibility in its culture are key goals and commitments of the company.
Management and monitoring of the code of ethics
Managers are responsible for complying with the code of ethics in their area of responsibility and must ensure that employees and subcontractors / suppliers are aware of this code.
The code of ethics is monitored and in case of violation of the rules by the employees as well as the subcontractors and suppliers of Green S.A, the required corrective actions will be planned and implemented.